Saturday 24 June 2017

Our Achilles Heel

Douglas Murray: erudite, reasonable and kind and also under constant threat of violent death. Why?

Britain is a great country.

No matter your colour, your creed, your religion, your class you are equal under the law and free to pursue happiness in the manner you choose.

That’s a great achievement. Take a glance at history, any era you like and you won’t find such a wonderful accommodating place as Great Britain.

Sadly this demi-paradise has an Achilles Heel.

No society with tolerance as its highest good can afford to tolerate intolerance. Or to put it another way, no society of equals can include a substantial body of supremacists and survive. Sadly that is exactly what we are doing. Liberals and leftists for their different reasons actually think it’s a virtue to tolerate the intolerant supremacists of Islam and have been doing so for decades.

No country on earth with a large Muslim population enjoys anything like the freedom of thought that Britain boasted just a generation ago.

The reason for that has nothing to do with climate, geography, history or bad luck. There is little freedom of thought in the Muslim world because Islam explicitly forbids it.

The koran is supposedly the actual words of allah exactly as he dictated them to Mohammad. Together with the hadith and the Life of Mohammad Islam prescribes the only correct way to live your life in every respect. In effect Islam created the first totalitarian societies on earth. And just like Nazism and Communism, Islam has murdered millions and millions to create its utopia.

In addition to this detailed prescription of the only way to live life the Muslim religion explicitly demands that its followers spread their religion and yet decrees death for any of its own followers who abandon Islam. This fact alone should disqualify Muslims for entry to non-Islamic countries.

But most fatal to the chances of integrating Islam into a multicultural society is that it is aggressive and explicitly demands that its followers impose Muslim law and practices on their non-Muslim neighbours.

Another deal-breaker is that Islam has a dual morality. Unlike Christians who are exhorted to treat their co-religionists and infidels the same, Muslim teachings are the opposite. Lying, cheating, stealing, raping and murder are wrong if done to fellow Muslims, but noble and just if done to infidels. Far from being a God of peace, love and forgiveness, allah’s specific injunction in the koran is that killing the infidel is the surest way to paradise.

Islam is explicitly supremacist and aggressive. We can live in a free country or we can have a large Muslim population. It’s one or the other.

You may think this extremist rubbish because you know nice Muslims.

But the fact that there are many nice Muslims in Britain is little comfort. There are many millions of nice Muslims across the Muslim world, but they have tended to keep their heads down as, for example, the Christian minority in the Middle East has been ethnically cleansed from 20% of the population a hundred years ago to around 4% today.

The problem with Muslims is the same as the problem with Germans in the 1930s. While only 7% of Germans were ever members of the Nazi party it was they who decided on the fate of Jews and the rest of us ‘untermensch’ while the rest of the population kept their heads down through fear (or approval) of their more militant countrymen.

Muslims are currently just 5% of the population, but the whole atmosphere of Britain is transformed from the easy going country of just a couple of decades ago. Everybody now watches their mouth and anyone who prominently speaks out about Islam is under a real and constant threat of violent death. Compare their situation to that of firebrand Islamist hate preachers. Apart from worries about the police if they cross the line on inciting murder not one of them is under any threat whatsoever from the other 95% of the population.

Consider also that Muslims are 6 times more likely to be in prison than Hindus. It’s not racism.

And consider the hundreds of Muslims involved in the industrial scale rape of underage girls. Not just underage girls but ‘kuffar whores’.

Consider the now monthly honour killings.

And of course consider the 23,000 would be jihadis that our security services are tracking. What possible reason could they have to kill and maim us?

We welcomed Muslims in exactly the same open generous way that we treated Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Chinese and many others. Why is it that only Muslims are a problem? How is it that no other immigrant group causes even 1% of the grief that Muslims do?

Islam is different. Islam is supremacist, intolerant and aggressive. Which one of the 58 majority Muslim countries would you like to live in? My own answer is: “None of them!” They are all different but fundamentally they are all the same. There isn’t a free citizen anywhere in the Muslim world. I don’t want that fate for my country, or my children.

We can have an open and free multicultural Britain, or we can have a large Muslim minority. It can only be one or the other.

Tolerance of supremacists is our Achilles Heel. Tolerance of intolerance must end … or we will.

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  1. Yep. Seems crazy that educated Westerners would cozy up to speakers bashing democracy, Looks like some will have to learn what no free speech or clitoris is about. So sad.

    Facebook posts against Islam get prison? Islamists waving signs encouraging beheadings get police protection. It is finished.
    CHPT 5 "First, the First"

    1. It is nowhere near finished. While we live we have the power to reverse it. Times change

  2. Britain is a toilet. It's politicians and police deserve execution for treason. The only way I would go back to the land of my birth is to make war against those responsible for the destruction.

    1. How will we explain to our grandchildren that people in a rich, civilized, free Britain allowed it to happen?

  3. Islam: as bad as apartheit but how the british left cosy up to the former

    1. Apartheid has nothing on Islam. Apartheid allowed Nelson Mandela to live whereas all the dictators that Mandela loved would have killed him.

      Islam should be compared to Nazism. They both have the great infalible leader, both hate Jews, both worship death, both misogynist, etc, etc,

  4. As somebody once wrote "alla ho akbaar and vote labour"

  5. Islam is essentially social segregation, a religion that maintains a grip on humanity by the imposition of the idea that infidels will burn and therefore shall reap the whirlwind in this life as in the next, whilst the believer is blessed and receives Allahs favour in this life and the next. Yet Christianity also purports that even the non-believers are constantly given chances to believe and reform: such parables as the Prodigal Son spring to mind. Islam has yet to show such magnanimity of spirit
