Monday 5 October 2015

Prerequisite of Victory

                                                      The many faces of one threat

There’s something lacking in the fight against Islamic terror. We have this vast military, economic and intellectual superiority but we can’t seem to land a decent punch. Nobody thinks that we are any closer to victory than we were on September 12th, 2001. And that’s after the sacrifice of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. How can it be that the whole struggle seems unwinnable? As usual the ruthless truth is very simple.   

If we want to battle Islamist terror in the certain knowledge of victory there is really just one thing we need to do. The single prerequisite of success is to admit that Islam itself is the enemy.

That’s right; not ISIS, not Al Qaeda, not Iran and not the Taliban, but the single thing that ties these many snake heads of the Hydra together: Islam. And if you don’t like the word “enemy” we could maybe use opponent, adversary or antagonist or even, at a stretch, rival if you like. But whichever of these we choose we must identify the source of the threat.

Don’t wet your knickers. I’m not suggesting we start a world war. All we would be doing would be to assume the same attitude to the Muslim world that they have to us. Identifying them as the enemy would simply mean first and foremost that we would not take any more Muslim migrants, and that we would progressively restrict the practice of their hostile supremacist ideology in our midst. In doing this we would not be doing anything particularly new or earth-shattering. We would only be doing the same as our Nato ally, “secular”  Turkey, which hasn’t allowed the opening of a single church since 1922. And when the liberal talking heads start frothing at the mouth and hysterically accusing us of being racists and Nazis, we could ask them to list the occasions on which they had denounced Turkey or any other Muslim country for precisely the same policy.

But even if it did come to a new “Cold War” taking on 1.6 billion Muslims wouldn’t be the end of the world for two reasons.

1)    They are nothing like as great a military threat as the Soviet Bloc was.
2)    They are already our enemies anyway (even if we don’t acknowledge it).

Obviously this new policy would not apply to the practice of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism or Judaism for the simple reason that they are not supremacist ideologies that seek our destruction.

If you think this proposal extremist or unworkable you may like to consider the alternative.

If we don’t do this one simple thing, this prerequisite of victory, we will lose. We will lose our freedoms, our security, our sense of who we are, and finally our countries. It will happen quite slowly; destroying the West from within is the work of decades. But even though it will take decades to complete, the process will hurt every day. But if you’ve been watching the news you will know that.

Don’t be depressed about the pain, cost and suffering an open breach would involve. We are already bleeding to death and achieving precisely nothing. Just remember that with this single prerequisite in place we will have a new sense of who we are, and in an open war with Islam we cannot lose. If you doubt that just consider the new frame of reference for the conflict.

We are here, and they are there. We are the freedom people, they are the Medieval throwbacks. That’s why we’d win. But we can only start on that certain road to victory when we meet that one very simple prerequisite of victory. Admit openly the obvious truth.

Islam is the enemy.


  1. this is all very true but the prime funder of militant Islam is Saudia Arabia which has some 40 per cent of the worlds oil fields. They also buy lots of stuff from us and the US.
    They and other oil rich arab states could easily cause a run on sterling.
